Veteran-Owned & Operated
Veteran-Owned & Operated
An intention is a guiding principle on how you desire to live your life. How you want to show up in the world. As practitioners, we encourage participants to set an intention to help guide your journey. It is used to process healing. An intention is NOT a goal. Sit in a quiet space with yourself, invite yourself in a loving way to look deep into your heart, set your intentions. Be kind to yourself. Keep going deeper with your intention to your deepest level of truth prior to the day of your ceremony. Hold on to this intention for your ceremony to receive the deepest level of healing. Empower yourself.
This intention will continue to guide your actions post-care. This is not attached to an expectation. An intention is thought out and cared for as an attitude of gratitude. It is a connection to your values. Your values may have shifted, reaffirm if need be. It becomes your way of life. An intention is heart-driven. Feel it. This will bring your mind and body into alignment. Become a receiver, allow yourself to be vulnerable. This intention will be your focus in your ceremony and can be used to stay focused if you have a struggle to deal with. Your intention will be the truth of where you will direct your life.
When you set a commitment, this is the first level of beginning your journey. FOCUS ON the positive aspects of your transformation. This will be the space you enter to work with. You are the creator of your own destiny. Act with courage and embrace change so you can create balance and live in harmony.